Fullstack Developer & Whitewater Kayaker & Scout


Bellow you can find a selection of interesting projects on which I have participated or I am currently developing them.

If you are interested in my personal dev stack just check out what I am using.

LMC logo

Projects at LMC

React & NodeJS Technology Owner

Taking care of Node.js and React technologies in a company. Helping teams to adopt those technologies. Preparing courses, meetings and talks about Node.js, React and Frontend technology stack. Maintaining tools and instructions for those technologies like company base Node.js Docker images or ESLint rulesets.

javascript, typescript, node.js, react, docker, eslint, prettier

Spirit Design system

Spirit is an open-source design system developed by LMC.

sass, css, javascript, typescript, react, components, design system, lerna, monorepo, github, npm

Code Quality Tools

Monorepo which contains shareable configurations for various coding-style/best practices/lint tools to make the configurations consistent across projects and provide an easy setup mechanism.

javascript, typescript, react, eslint, stylelint, renovate, conventional commits, changelog, monorepo, github, npm

Cookie Consent Manager

Configurable cookie consent banner with the predefined company defaults.

javascript, typescript, esbuild, sass, npm, github

Medallions, Company profiles, Career Sections Widget

Refactoring monolith application into microservices for better customization and future development. Providing API (Graphql and REST) and library (Symfony bundle) as a service to both jobboards (, and integrating admin panel (SPA, React) to Teamio application dashboard.

php7, symfony, postgresql, docker, react, apollo, graphql, spa, bundle

Economia logo

Projects at Economia


Reimplementation of, and homepages to server-side rendered pages using Node.js and React. Cached and hosted from AWS. Read an article about it from my colleague.

node.js, react, aws, ecs

Selfcare Portal

Simple SPAs for managing subscriptions for Economia's news portals.

react, php7, laravel lumen framework, rest api, docker, aws

Content Service

Group of RESTful APIs for distributing news content across Economia's websites. API which includes login (SSO), sessions, customer information, orders management and paywall management.

php7, laravel, lumen, docker, aws, ecs, rest, mysql

Video Processing Platform

Implementing new encoding process using CDN77's encoding API and distributing video content from its CDN. Responsibility for delivering newly created video or audio from editor through encoding process and importing to news site's CMS for later use (all done automagically).

php7, laravel lumen framework, docker, codeship, aws, api gateway, lambda, ecs and

Maintenance and development of Economia's main news sites. From frontend over backend to DevOps. Multiple redesigns.

php5, mysql, html, css, jquery

Skaut logo

Projects at Junak - Czech scout

Various Redesigns

Webdesign and HTML coding, developing on CMS WordPress, maintaining and administration.

html, css, wordpress, jquery, php5, mysql

Registration System for Water Scouts Meetings

Developing CMS for registration of visitors to seminars and programs. Lectors can create and maintain programs and create the entire Schedule of the Meeting. The system can also export data, create tickets, lists of visitors and billing.

php5, mysql, nette, jquery

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