Fullstack Developer & Whitewater Kayaker & Scout
Manage your project from one place and one place only
I was always struggling with how to orchestrate projects which consist of multiple technologies in one stack. For example, if you have a web application that is written in PHP using Symfony or Laravel framework for the backend and React for the frontend. Also, have a database and cache and all of that is running in docker.
There are plenty of tasks you must do to have your project up and running:
For all these tasks you are using different commands and different task runners.
There is a composer
for PHP, npm/yarn/pnpm
for frontend, docker-compose
for containers, bin/console
for Symfony or artisan
for Laravel and, maybe
some other shell/bash scripts you need to run. Different runners, different
APIs. How is even able to remember all those commands and scripts?
And here comes Makefile handy.
is one of the oldest CLI task launchers, has plenty of documentation, is
extremely powerful, and is installed everywhere. So, it can even replace
language-specific task launchers (like npm or php bin/console) that provide
inline help, but that requires installation.
At LMC we are using Makefiles and make
to orchestrate our Symfony and
Node projects.
They usually look like this:
host_type := $(shell uname -s)
architecture := $(shell uname -m)
build_base := docker-compose --env-file ./local_hosts.env -f docker-compose.yml
# architecture stuff
# ...
$(build_string) exec php sh -c " \
npm ci \
&& (cd app/Resources/assets/ui/docs && npm ci) \
&& composer install \
&& composer install --working-dir=selenium-tests \
&& npm run build \
&& bin/multidomain-console utility:cache:warmup \
&& chown -R www-data var \
&& ./doctrine-clear-cache.sh"
ifeq (Darwin, $(host_type))
docker volume create --name=app-sync \
&& docker volume create --name=src-sync \
&& docker-sync start -c $(sync_config)
# sync stuff
# ...
make local-hosts-set \
&& make sync-start \
&& $(build_string) up -d $(force_recreate_param)
$(build_string) stop \
&& make sync-stop
# local dev stuff
# ...
$(build_string) exec php sh -c "npm run build:dev"
$(build_string) exec php sh -c "npm run build:dev:admin"
$(build_string) exec php sh -c "npm run build"
# npm stuff
# ...
# cleaning stuff
# ...
$(build_string) rm -s -f dbseduo dbmongo
$(build_string) exec php sh -c " \
bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --append \
&& ./doctrine-clear-cache.sh"
docker-compose -f ./migrations/docker-compose.yml up
# database migration stuff
# ...
$(build_string) exec php sh -c "bin/console $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS))"
$(build_string) exec php sh -c "composer validate --no-check-all --strict"
$(build_string) exec php sh -c "composer update --lock"
$(build_string) exec php sh -c "php -d memory_limit=-1 \
/usr/local/bin/composer $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS))"
# selenium tests
# ...
$(build_string) exec php sh -c "composer diff-analyzer"
$(build_string) exec php sh -c "composer rector-process"
$(build_string) exec php sh -c "composer rector-dry"
$(build_string) exec php sh -c "composer test"
# code linting stuff
# ...
$(build_string) exec php sh -c "composer translation:upload"
# translations stuff
# ...
# js-expose
# ...
$(build_string) exec php sh -c "bash"
$(build_string) exec apache sh -c "bash"
$(build_string) exec php sh -c "composer graphql"
ifeq (Darwin, $(host_type))
./docker/nginx-proxy/certs/conf/renew_certificates.sh -y
# catch all target (%) which does nothing to silently ignore the other goals.
That is a hell of the commands, isn't that? How do you learn them all? How do
you expose them without opening Makefile
Maybe write them into a README.md
? So with every new command, you must also
update README.md
, right?
Ours README.md
was looking like this:
What about documenting those commands using comments and exposing them?
Adding comments to the Makefile
commands helps a lot to document them.
## --- 🚀 Release management ----------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: release
release: ## create a new release
See? Much better, though.
But we can also use them and show them to the user in CLI. The way is simple.
Just parse the Makefile
using regular expressions voodoo and add new help
command with the script.
## --- 💻 Makefile ----------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: help
help: ## print this help message
@grep -E '(^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?##.*$$)|(^##)' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) \
| awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}{printf "\033[32m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' \
| sed -e 's/\[32m##/[33m/'
Using grep
, awk
and sed
you can achieve outstanding experience in your
pattern to something larger or smaller.Tip
| sort
to have targets ordered alphabetically instead of the way
they appear in Makefile
target to avoid conflicts with other targets or
files. This will help you to run the recipe regardless of whether there is a
file of the same name.Tip
make run foo bar baz
# If the first argument is "run"...
ifeq (run,$(firstword $(MAKECMDGOALS)))
# use the rest as arguments for "run"
RUN_ARGS := $(wordlist 2,$(words $(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(MAKECMDGOALS))
# ...and turn them into do-nothing targets
$(eval $(RUN_ARGS):;@:)
prog: # ...
# ...
.PHONY: run
run : prog
@echo prog $(RUN_ARGS)
make release version=0.1.2
.PHONY: release
@poetry run duty release version=$(version)
The final touch is to make this help
target to be a default command:
And voila! Run make
in your console and you will be amazed!
And in README.md
## How to run this project
Run `make` in your console for more detail.
Using self-documented Makefile is a great answer to project management and stack
orchestration. It will help you a lot with running and maintaining your project
from one place. And it will also help more to your teammates and junior or
incoming developers in your team to understand and start your project and sooner
deliver some business value to it. So take your time and prepare something like
make start
for them!
target - How to avoid conflicts with other targets or